Which is correct, leafs or leaves?
The correct plural for leaf is leaves. The word “leaf” has been in the English language since its beginning. Native English words still retain sound changes from the language’s earlier periods.

What was the most recent letter added to the English alphabet?
“J” was the most recent addition to the English alphabet in 1524. Originally, “I” and “J” were considered the same letter (although the sounds were different). It wasn’t until an Italian grammarian, Gian Giogio Trissino, argued for their separation that they became distinct.

Can You Learn English Without a Teacher?
Yes, it’s absolutely possible to learn English without a teacher! Set goals for yourself and track your progress. If you create a positive learning environment for yourself, you’ll make just as much progress on your own.

Dying, Dyeing, or Dieing, Which is Correct?
Dying, dyeing, and dieing are three different words. They can all be correct in the proper circumstances. However, dieing is most often a misspelling of dying. Take care to understand their meanings and uses.

You’re welcome or your welcome, which is correct?
“You’re welcome” is correct in most situations. It is a contraction of “You are welcome”. You will say this most often as a reply when someone thanks you. “Your” is for possession. Its function is different from “you’re”.

Is it possible to learn 100 new words per day?
It’s completely possible to learn 100 new words per day, but is that the most effective strategy? Learning a language is a life-long journey. You need to develop sustainable language habits to achieve your goals.